Your privacy is very important to us. Check out our Privacy Label to see a summary of our privacy practices. For more detail, take a look at our full Privacy Policy.
Do we use your device location to geotag your sighting? | Yes |
Do we use your device location while you are not using the app? | No |
Do we use cookies? | Yes |
Do we track your browsing activities on other sites? | No |
Do we listen to you using your device microphone? | No |
Collection and Sale of Data
Do we sell your personal information? | No |
Do we share or sell aggregate personal information? | No |
Do we share your sightings data with conservation & research partners? | Yes |
Can you opt out of sharing your sightings data with conservation & research partners? | Yes |
Do we use your contact list to find your contacts on Birda? | Only on your request |
Do we delete your data when you request account deletion? | Yes |
Do we retain your data for as long as we need it unless you request deletion? | Yes |
Privacy Tools and Controls
Can you control who sees your posts? | Yes |
Can you control who sees your sighting locations in posts? | Yes |
Are your post and profile privacy controls set to “Everyone” by default? | Yes |
Can you delete your data? | Yes |
Can you download your data? | Coming soon |
Do we give you advance notice when we make important changes to our Privacy Policy? | Yes |
Do we send you marketing communications with the option to opt-out? | Yes |